Sunday, March 8, 2009
Gov. Paterson's Pay Cut
his salary. He is putting his money where his mouth is.
He symbolically made the gesture while in a Buffalo attending a town-hall meeting when he was asked by a retiree why the governor can't cut the salaries of lawmakers while others are feeling the pain of the economy. The governor has no plans on making lawmakers take a pay cut. The only thing he wants his for people to do their jobs and have the deficit go away.
It is a nice gesture that the governor is willing to take a 10% pay cut to help the economy, but why he is so relucant to ask lawmakers to do the same. He would rather put people out of work than ask his employees to make a sacrifice, which most can afford to do. He should try re-evaluate his options and ask lawmakers to take a small pay cut temporarily to help the economy.
Schools to Get Stimulus Money
Schumer, schools will get half of their share of the federal stimulus package just in time when the board memebers and mayors are preparing their budgets for the 2009-20010. New York is set to get $24.6 billion over the next two years.
School districts need to obligate 85 percent of their money by the end of 2010 and the balance by the end of September 2011.
This is great schools are finally getting their just dessert. For too many years the schools have been short changed. This will not only save jobs but will give teachers the resources that they need to be able to give their students the best education that they are entitled to. After all,
children are our future, and if our children don't get the best education that they deserve, how
will they compete in a very cmpetitive society.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hospital Clossings
These closings don't just affect nearly 3,000 employees who are now unemployed but also about two different communties who relied on these hospitals for their health care. What is hard for these communties is that at the moment they have no where to go for their health care.
This reminds me of an advertisement I seen on TV where you have a young couple driving upto the emergency room and the doors are closed. The mom turns back to check on her child and is screaming what do we do now? Is this what our reality is going to be? Where people don't know where to turn in an emergency. If people don't have a hospital near by, how far is the nearest hospital and will they make it on time. Is a though that the people who are in
charge are playing Russian Roulette with our lives.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Obama's Conressional Speech
He stated that in today's society a high school diploma was not sufficient. Children need more than just a high school diploma to be successful. We are so far behind and we need to catch up to the rest of the world and be number one again. That he will do whatever he can to make sure that our kids go on to college and become successful.
Working in the educational field, I feel that education begins at home. I agree President Obama that parents need to read with teir children, even if its just 15 or 20 minutes. This makes a big difference in a child's life. It is also very important for parents to attend those parent-teacher conferences. It is so vital that parents be involved in their child's education in any way they can. After all, parents are their child's first teachers. Kids will do as they see and hear.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Support for President Obama
I feel that they are very aware that it will take years before we see any kind of economic relief I also feel very confident that the President will continue to make decisions that are going to be in our best in our best interest.
Even though President Obama has a rough road of him, he has come in time when people had given up on our government. People wanted a change, someone to hear their voices, and he hasbeen hearing the voices of the people and with this comes change.
President Obama has accompolished quite a bit since taking office, he has accompolished twostimulus packages despite opposition in a very short period of time.
Change may come slowly, but it will come.
Monday, February 23, 2009
youtube video
I do agree that while in college, by the third year there is another thing to learn in the world of technology.I feel that the younger generation are at an advantage becuase they are being raised with technolgy skills compare to my generation where we did not have computers, Ipods,text messaging, blackberries, etc. Being that the younger generation are being raised with technology it makes it easier for them to manuvere around more easily than those of my generation.
Is this video xenophobic? No, this video is a fact and reality. Technology will continue to advance. The computer will probably be able to hold as much information as a planet.
The connection to me is that there are more people on the computer compare to back in the 1980's. Presently there are billions of people using computers in one way or another.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Governors Reaction to Stimulus Plan
Those that agreed, said that it was a start in the right direction, while another complained that they were doing all the "heavy lifting" they were still making budget cuts and changes in their programs.
What these Governor's need to realize is that this crisis did not happen over night. It took years for this crisis to happen and it will take years for the country to have some economic stability. This crisis was starting way before President Obama took office.
What these Governor's should be thinking about is how to best serve their states with whatever monies they get, see where they can try and create jobs, whether is infrastruce, education, healthcare, etc.
President Obama can't solve everybody's fiscal problems, he is trying to give a boost to each state and it is up to them to spend the money wisely.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Foreclosure Plans By Obama
1) The plan would help homeowners who are current on their payments, but are paying
high interest rates and cannot refinance because they do not have enough equity
in their homes
2)It would assist about four million people who are at risk of losing their homes
It would provide incentives to lenders who alter the terms of loans to make the more afforable for troubled borrowers
3) To try and increase the credit available for mortages in general by giving $200 billion of additional financing to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
It is understandable that you can't possibly save everyone. I guess this is the harsh reality of this crisis that we are in. I only hope that the mortage companies do the right thing for the homeowners. After all, they are the ones that created this mess and here they are getting government money once again. Let's hope that the government makes sure that these mortage companies do what's fair for the homeowners.
I can't even imagine what some homeowners are going through, but to put your whole heart and soul into your home and then to lose it comes with alot of different emotions. My heart goes out
to the millions of people who will lose their homes.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Obama set to sign stimulus bill
The 787 billion stimulus offers a huge amount of jobs which is needed to boost the economy.
In NY1 they state that the combination of spending programs and tax cuts is not a cure all
but will help turn the economy around this is according to what Obama states.
This was not a bipartism that the President was hoping for only three Republican voted for
the bill.
The signing ceremony will take place in Denver after touring a Solar panel installation project
at the Denver Musuem of Nature and Science. President Obama's decision to be in Denver is
somewhat symbolic in many ways, it is a symbol of the Support the stimulus is getting in states
that are in desperate need of help.New York Times
It is great that this stimulus bill is finally going to become law. Now the question is: How long
before the money is distrubated and which states gets more and which states gets less? This is
where the hard part comes in becuase everybody wants a piece of the pie. It will be interesting
to see how our State will handle the disturation of the stimulus package and when will our state
get the money? Will they really give money to education where it is desperately needed and will
the health care get some money, they also need it as desperately as education. Right now is a
wait and see.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Christine Quinn's State of City Address
a tax increase on wealthy New York residents and tax relief for low income city residents .NY1
She stated that the city faces a $4billion dollar defceit and more than 50,000 jobs lost and those
who are employed are afraid of losing their jobs.
Some of her proposals are as follows.
1. a plan to convert vacant conominiums into affordable housing,
2. She wants to bring back jobs from San Diego and Boston
3. She wants stiffer penalties for those who commit a crime as part of gang initation
These are very good proposals. But as Jmes Oddo stated, he may consider supporting it if
it was tied directly to the budget cuts. He went on to say that you can't simply tax rich people.
He states that the city needs to do less spending.
The downside to her Address was that she didn't really talk on the severity of the crisis in the
She did not mention anything on medicad, pension, capital programs. No mention about reforms
which is important, people need to hear on what actions the city will be taking.
I thought this was an interesting article because it shows that Councilwoman has good proposals
but needs to show how she plans on putting these proposal into action. She should have touched
on the severity of how the econmonic crisis is affecting New Yorkers as a whole.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Senate & House leaders reach agreement
In Thursday's article it states that the Democrats would have preferred a larger bill, but
they had to agree to cut back on some programs in order to get three Republicans votes in the
According to Harry Reid of Nevada "Legistation is the art of comprise"New York Times
and that's what they did. The final bill includes $507 billion in spending programs and $282
billion in tax relief. This relief would give families credits of up to $400 for individuals and $800
for families. It would also give recipents of social security up to $250 lump sum, a time deal. It
would also give government disabilty support.
Ms Pelosi stated at a news conference the delay helped the House Democrats win some final
concessions. She also stated that one of the priorties in the House was the strong commitment
to school construction, which is still in the bill.
This is very good news, there are so many schools that need construction and to be upgraded.
It has seem as though education is always getting cut. So it is really good to read and hear that
education is finally getting what it deserves. Children are entitled to learn in a well constructed
building where they can learn. We want children to love going to school, but we need to provide
them with the opportunity to learn in upgraded schools, we want to be able to bring out the
best in our children. After all, they are our future.
It is also great that we are getting tax relief. The way the economy is, the American people can\use every penny they could get.
Is this bill perfect, no. The reality is that nothing is perfect. It is a start. The sooner this billis signed the sooner we could start moving and get the American people back on their feet.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Obama trying to create jobs
Obama urged Congress to resolve their differences in the economic recovery measure and "put this plan into motion" so that it can bring some relief and create jobs.
Even though the Democrats and Republicans came together in the Senate, there seems to be
sharp differences and the White House is working to bridge the gap so that legislation can be
ready for President Obama to sign in the next few days.
In his address he states that two states who would benefit from this package one is Maine and the others Indiana. In these specifics states it would save or create 3 million jobs with the next two years.In Maine, 16,000 jobs would be created or saved. In Indiana 80,000, "almost all of them in the private sector."
President Obama is scheduled to vist Florida on Tuesday, 485 schools would be upgraded which
will create hordes of jobs. In Ohio, he states that 4.5 million wokers would receive tax relief of up to
Also in the New York Times
there is an article about hiring more police which is also President's Obama's economic plan which
totals $1 billion for local government's to hire police officers.
Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont's Democrat who is the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee says that the money to hire police officers is an appropriate part of the stimulus bill because it would help the economy.
Mr. Leahy goes on to state that in hiring police, nearly 100 percent of the money goes into creating
If this is just part of what's in the stimulus package, then why can't Democrats and Republicans stop
bickering. The whole purpose of the stimulus package is to create jobs and get the economy going
Let's take a breakdown of the stimulus package thus far:
1) You have Maine, where 16,000 jobs will be either saved or created.
2) In Indiana 80,00 jobs will be created mostly in the private sector
3) In Florida, you have 485 shcools that will be upgraded, creating jobs
4) Finally, you have $1 billion going to hire police officers
So far, this seems to be a start to getting the American people back to work and bringing down the
unemployment rate. So Democrats and Republicans let's stop the bickering and get this stimulus
package moving