Gov. Paterson announced on Thursday, March 5, 2009 that he will be taking a 10% pay cut in
his salary. He is putting his money where his mouth is.
He symbolically made the gesture while in a Buffalo attending a town-hall meeting when he was asked by a retiree why the governor can't cut the salaries of lawmakers while others are feeling the pain of the economy. The governor has no plans on making lawmakers take a pay cut. The only thing he wants his for people to do their jobs and have the deficit go away.
It is a nice gesture that the governor is willing to take a 10% pay cut to help the economy, but why he is so relucant to ask lawmakers to do the same. He would rather put people out of work than ask his employees to make a sacrifice, which most can afford to do. He should try re-evaluate his options and ask lawmakers to take a small pay cut temporarily to help the economy.
PDF: Fernando de Noronha
4 years ago
That is a nice thing to do, but i dont see lawmakers doing the same. How long do you see the governor doing this before he feels it was not worth it? the fact that he is willing to do this makes me think he is getting money doing something else.